Tag Archives: Yemaya

Dos Aguas

Yemaya's necklace, beach on Beauly firth near Inverness, Scotland

Yemaya’s necklace, beach on Beauly firth near Inverness, Scotland

Oshun's power, river near Inverness, Scotland

Oshun’s power, river near Inverness, Scotland









I am ocean
fire dances above the stones over which I swim
you are shivering across soft sand
coral biting your feet
drawing blood
blood that feeds the earth
births the fire.
Children of the stones
our progeny
my heart splits open
for a thousand years

I carry you
against my liquid skin
we recognize each other
by the way our fingers stroke seaweed hair
to calm our frightened babies
by the way our hearts teach them to love

I live beside you
above you
below you
around you
My lips lay themselves in the hollow of your salty throat
feed upon your pulse

I owe you nothing
I give you everything
I open my liquid eyes to your turquoise light
and call you….


Photos and poem, copyright © 2014 Sharon Elliott. All Rights Reserved.